Certificates of Merit
Recognition program for female high school students for outstanding achievement over three years in both mathematics and science.
RMS recognizes up to 3 female students in each high school for outstanding achievement in mathematics and science
RMS is pleased to announce its local Certificates of Merit program for high school women. Teachers and school administrators, please use this form to nominate up to three female students at your school for outstanding achievement in science and mathematics over three years.
Please contact Alyssa Wells-Lewis with any additional questions or concerns.
Invitation to Participate
Dear Principal or Guidance Counselor:
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Rocky Mountain Section invites your school to participate in the SWE Certificates of Merit program. Each year, upon teacher or counselor recommendation, SWE recognizes up to three female students in each high school for outstanding achievement over three years in both mathematics and science. Each certificate is embossed with the student’s name, date of award, and either “Highest Honor”, “High Honor”, or “Honor.” To join the nearly 400 schools who participate in this award throughout Colorado and Wyoming, please complete and submit the online nomination form.
In order for the certificates to be mailed to your school before your awards ceremony or graduation date, requests must be received at least 4 weeks before certificates are required, or by April 5, 2025, whichever is earlier.
For schools in Colorado – if it is desired that a SWE member present the award to your students, please indicate so on the nomination form. SWE regrets that there may not be representatives available to attend and present the awards at your ceremony; however a strong effort will be made to accommodate requests. Your school will be notified if a presenter is available.
The Society of Women Engineers is a non-profit organization, funded entirely by its members and donations, whose mission is to:
- Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders
- Expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life
- Demonstrate the value of diversity
The Certificates of Merit program, along with scholarship and mentoring programs, are some of the ways the Society tries to encourage students to consider engineering as a field of study in college. For more general information about our organization please feel free to browse at swe.org.