
RMS Scholarship Awards

SWE Rocky Mountain Section awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors and to continuing or re-entering collegiates from our endowments.

**2024 Collegiate & Freshman Applications now Open**

Rocky Mountain Section Entering Freshman Scholarship

RMS is pleased to announce its local scholarship program for graduating high school women. Students can apply for the scholarship by completing the Rocky Mountain Section Entering Freshman Application. Scholarship awards range from $500 – $2,000. Eligible applicants must reside in Colorado or Wyoming and be planning to major in ABET-accredited engineering, computing, or engineering technology programs. For students residing in zip codes 80800-81599, please contact the Pikes Peak SWE chapter for more information on their scholarship program. Candidates must submit all required application materials for the SWE-RMS scholarships by Thursday, February 1st, 2024.

Rocky Mountain Section College Scholarship

RMS is pleased to announce a local scholarship program for women majoring in ABET accredited engineering, computing, or engineering technology programs in Colorado and Wyoming. Each year we present three (3) endowed scholarships in the names of Lottye Miner, Dorolyn Lines, and the Pioneer Scholarship in memory of three pioneering women engineering graduates of the University of Colorado: Hilda Counts Edgecomb, Elsie Eaves, and Lou Alta Melton Merrill. Students studying engineering, computing, or engineering technology, including re-entry students and those pursuing a graduate degree, are eligible. Candidates must submit all required application materials for the SWE-RMS scholarships by Thursday, February 1st, 2024.

About Rocky Mountain Section Scholarships

​The Society of Women Engineers awards numerous scholarships both nationally and locally by Sections such as ours. SWE Rocky Mountain Section awards three scholarships to graduating high school seniors and three scholarships from our endowments: the Lottye Miner, Dorolyn Lines, and Pioneer Scholarships, for students already enrolled in an ABET accredited program for engineering or computer science, or are re-entering college after earning a previous degree.

The Dorolyn Lines Scholarship
Dorolyn Lines was one of the charter members of the Denver Section of SWE. Her tireless efforts helped the Section become dynamic and prosperous, evolving into today’s Rocky Mountain Section.

The Lottye Miner Scholarship
Lottye Miner joined SWE in 1956 and was one of the early Life Members – the first from the Rocky Mountain Section.

The Pioneer Scholarship
The Pioneer Scholarship was established in memory of three pioneering women engineering graduates of the University of Colorado at Boulder: Hilda Counts Edgecomb (1919), Elsie Eaves (1920) and Lou Alta Melton Merrill (1920). They established the American Society of Women Engineers and Architects, a forerunner of SWE.

SWE RMS also awards at least three scholarships for students graduating from high school and entering college to study engineering or computer science. One scholarship is typically awarded to a student from a small, more rural school.

Eligible applicants for the Freshman scholarship are students graduating from high school in Wyoming or Colorado*; eligible applicants for the endowed scholarships must be currently attending a university in Wyoming or Colorado*. Additional eligibility requirements and application instructions are included on the second page of each application. Applications require submittal of an essay, a transcript, two letters of recommendation and other supporting information. 

* Zip codes 80800 – 81599 are excepted. Students in these zip codes may apply for scholarships through the Pikes Peak Section (

Other Local STEM Scholarships

American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) Denver Area Chapter, due mid March
AABE DAC is dedicated to ensuring minority input into discussion and development of energy policies, regulations, research and development technologies and environmental issues. The Clarke Watson Scholarship assists African American, Hispanic and Native American students with cost of pursuing a Bachelor’s degree at an accredited institution in energy fields.

American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) Rocky Mountain Chapter
, due late January
AADE Rockies is proud to be the largest supporter of student scholarships of all of the AADE Chapters. Scholarships are for current college students enrolled in an engineering curriculum with the intent to enter the petroleum industry and are contingent on being a member of the student section of the American Association of Drilling Engineers.

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Coloradodue late January
ACEC CO provides financial support in the form of scholarships to full-time Colorado college students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in an ABET approved engineering or land surveying program in Colorado with understanding of the consulting engineering profession.

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Wyomingdue late January
ACEC WY awards four scholarships to students enrolled in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Wyoming. Applicants discuss their views on the private practice of engineering and how it may relate to your future career plans.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Virtual Section, due February
VirtuAIChE holds a Student Co-op and Internship Presentation Competition for undergraduate ChemE students to share about their time as an intern or co-op working on unique or exciting projects. Short 10-minute presentations are judged by professional chemical engineers. 

American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) Colorado Section, due early February
The AIPG Colorado Section’s Rex Monahan Geological Scholarship Fund generally awards two $1,000 scholarships each year, one to an undergraduate and one to a graduate student. Awardees must be registered at a Colorado college or university with a recognized geoscience program and be a Student member of AIPG.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Southern Colorado Branch, due late October
The ASCE SoCo Branch is offers multiple scholarships, up to $2000, to qualified junior or senior-level students who are studying Civil Engineering at a Southern Colorado Universities or who are from one of the 15 counties that lie within the boundaries of the Branch. 

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Rocky Mountain Chapter, due mid February 
Rocky Mountain ASHRAE awards scholarships to full or part-time students who plan to attend the spring semester. Selection is based on interest, goals, need, and academic achievement. ASHRAE membership is strongly encouraged, and that participation in the applicant’s student chapter is favored.

American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Colorado Chapter, due early December
The Bervin Hall Memorial Scholarship scholarship was founded in 2009 by the Colorado Chapter ASSP and is administered by the ASSP Foundation. This scholarship is given to an undergraduate in a safety degree program (e.g. Aerospace and Occupational Safety; Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology; Occupational Safety & Environmental Health).

American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Colorado Section, due late December
AWRA Colorado offers the Rich Herbert Memorial Scholarship. This is open to college students involved in research or independent study pertaining to hydrology, engineering, hydrogeology, geomorphology, aquatic biology, water law, water-resources policy or planning, environmental science or other topics concerning water resources in Colorado.

American Water Works Association (AWWA) Rocky Mountain Section
The James B. Warner Water Studies Scholarship was established by the RM AWWA encouraging young professionals to seek higher education in a water-related field. Applicant must be a member (includes student member) of AWWA/RMSAWWA pursuing a degree at an accredited college including field of water, water utility management and water resources.

American Welding Society (AWS) Colorado, Southern Colorado and Wyoming Sections, due early March
The Colorado, Southern Colorado, and Wyoming Sections of AWS have scholarships available for students pursuing degree in Welding Engineering or closely related program. Additionally the Women of Gases & Welding – District 20 Scholarship is provided to enhance the success of women in the gases and welding industry through advocacy, recruitment, and professional development

Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Rocky Mountain Chapter, due mid April
The AEE Foundation Scholarship program was established to encourage qualified practitioners in energy engineering and energy management. Scholarships are available to candidates obtaining their undergraduate or graduate degrees who are enrolled in an accredited Colorado college or university focusing on energy engineering or energy management. 

Colorado Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Managers (CASFM), due late October
CASFM has scholarships available for students pursuing degrees that fit with the aims and goals of the association. The purpose of this scholarship is to Promote interest in the CASFM organization and its goals among students and the engineering community. Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program closely related to CASFM’s goals at a college in Colorado.

Colorado Environmental Management Society (CEMS), due early March
CEMS provides a forum for the exchange of information concerning technologies, laws and regulations, and other current environmental and health and safety (EHS) issues. Scholarships are available for Colorado collegiate candidates with studies focused in the environmental science, engineering, or law arenas at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Colorado Groundwater Association (CGWA), due early April
The CGWA Harlan Erker Memorial Scholarship is open to graduate students and senior undergraduates currently attending an accredited Colorado college with proposed research or independent study project involving some aspect of ground water science or engineering.

Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) Colorado, due early May
COMTO Colorado will award up to 10 scholarships to high School Students who plan to attend an accredited college, university or trade school and college students enrolled in an accredited college, university, or trade school. Applicants should show interest in pursuing a career in or related to the transportation industry.

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Colorado/Wyoming, due late March
ITE CO/WY awards multiple scholarships to members of the ITE CO/WY Section or a registered university student chapter of ITE to students enrolled (part-time or full-time) in either an undergraduate or graduate degree level program pursuing a career in a transportation-related field at a university within Colorado or Wyoming.

National Association of Rocketry (NAR), due early June 
Gleda M. Estes Scholarship for the Advancement of Young Women in STEM is presented to a female NAR member in good standing who is either a high school senior or college freshman, who intends to major in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) field.

RMEL, Rocky Mountain Electrical League, late February
The RMEL Foundation awards scholarships to deserving and qualified students in engineering, business, information systems, plant, line or distribution technology, line worker or other curriculum related to the electric energy industry. The applicant must be a current high school senior, high school graduate or current university/college undergraduate student.

Rocky Mountain Association of Environmental Professionals (RMAEP)
RMAEP is offers scholarships to students seeking a degree related to environmental professions enrolled at a college within the RMAEP six-state region (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming). Students must be current members of RMAEP. Interest and commitment to pursuing a career as an environmental professional are important. 

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Denver Metro Post, late February
SAME Denver Metro Post scholarships are open to Colorado high school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who enroll in a STEM curriculum at a four-year college. Applicants must be sponsored and recommended by a SAME Denver Post member,  currently enrolled in an ROTC program, or a member of a SAME Student Chapter. 

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Pikes Peak Post, mid May
SAME Pikes Peak Post scholarships are for Pikes Peak Post area high school students and college students. Applicants must be pursuing a four-year degree in STEM from an accredited college and either be interested in pursuing a military career or have at least one family member (sibling, parent, or grandparent) who is either an active SAME member or current/retired U.S. military. 

Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Rocky Mountain Chapter, early April
The RMC of SFPE awards two scholarship to promote and encourage students in the Western U.S. to consider a career in the field of Fire Protection Engineering. Applicant must be a full-time student with a declared Degree and Program of Study (Fire Protection, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Nuclear etc.; Engineering or Technology; or other).

Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Denver Section, due November and Wyoming Section, due April
The Denver and Wyoming Sections of the Society of Petroleum Engineers provide scholarships
to high school seniors or college students pursuing a degree in petroleum engineering or a petroleum related field within the Rocky Mountain Region. 

Structural Engineers Association of Colorado, mid February 
​SEAC scholarship program for supports Colorado’s future structural engineers. Two $4,000 scholarships will be awarded each spring to upperclassmen attending an accredited engineering school. They must intend to practice structural engineering in Colorado. There will be an application phase followed by a selective interview process.

Women in Aerospace (WIA) Foundation, mid June
The WIA Foundation accomplishes its purpose by providing scholarships to women who study engineering, math or science at the undergraduate level, and thereby encourage women to enter careers in the aerospace field, expand women’s opportunities for leadership in aerospace, and increase women’s visibility in the aerospace community.

Women in Defense (WID), late March
Through the WID Scholar program, Women In Defense encourages women to pursue careers supporting U.S. national security with a focus on defense or foreign policy. Must be a woman currently enrolled or expected to be enrolled in an accredited college by the fall of the academic term with interest in pursuing a career related to national security or defense.

Women’s Energy Network (WEN) Colorado Chapter, late April 
WEN Colorado Chapter is dedicated to developing future talent. Scholarships are awarded to local, female high schools students to help them achieve their undergraduate degrees in STEM or energy. The Colorado Chapter is not just giving students a financial means to pay for school but cultivating and developing the future energy workforce.

Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Colorado, due mid October  
WTS Colorado offers six scholarships to female students interested in pursuing a career in the transportation field, including graduate level, undergraduate level, junior college/trade school, and high school level scholarships to motivate students eager to make a meaningful contribution in the transportation arena.