RMS Elections

Candidate slate and voting information for RMS Executive Council elections.


​Voting for FY25 Executive Council will close on December 23 at midnight. To vote in the SWE RMS election, you must be a member of SWE, assigned to the Rocky Mountain Section community group, and in good standing. You may verify your member status and assigned community group by logging in at swe.org and viewing your profile to check the Paid Through Date and Community Group. To change your assigned community group, email membership@swe.org.

Expand each accordion by clicking the + sign on right to review the FY25 SWE RMS Executive Council slate, cast your vote using the Voting Form for the FY25 elections, and review SWE’s campaign policy.

Review the FY25 SWE RMS Executive Council slate (single candidate presented) to fill a vacancy.

Vice President of Collegiate Engagement (1 candidate)

Payton Belli

Form submission is now closed.

Policy on Campaigning and Endorsement of Candidates

As a professional society, SWE must maintain a high standard of behavior during our elections and protect our members from being inundated with messages about candidates. This policy is applicable to all SWE election activities including the petition process.

  • The primary source for information about Society ballot level candidates is the statements and ballot information provided via official Society channels. Other official Society channels may be approved by the SWE Board of Directors in order to increase the members knowledge of the candidates.
  • Use of SWE’s electronic resources are not permitted to promote individual candidates or to solicit signatures for a petition nomination. This includes SWE newsletters, SWE distribution lists, and SWE groups on social media. Personal email and personal social media venues are permitted provided that SWE is not included as part of the social media venue title or name.
  • Announcements made in the course of SWE business meetings, including conference calls, newsletters, or face-to-face meetings, should only include information on the elections themselves and details on where additional candidate information can be found (i.e. slate, ballot received by members, etc.).
  • Encouraging voting for a specific candidate or discussing individual candidates’ platforms is not permitted in the following situations:
    • Messages in the course of SWE business
    • Messages sent from SWE email addresses, including official HQ-designated email addresses or those that include SWE as part of the email address
    • Messages that include use of the SWE logo, SWE titles in the signature or SWE signature blocks
    • Messages sent to distribution lists created from section, committee, or other SWE group rosters or distribution lists
  • Images utilized during SWE elections should be professional portrait photos (or similar) of the candidate. Group photos are not permitted.
  • SWE print or electronic advertisements are not permitted.

Alleged violations will be referred to the Society Ethics Committee for investigation and action. Actions can range from a warning and retraction for first time offenders, up to dismissal from SWE, depending on the severity of the violation.

Recipients of a violation of this policy are not responsible for the actions of the violator but should contact the Ethics Committee with concerns.

June 11, 2021