by ​Kaitlyn Bunker, Section Representative

SWE RMS was well-represented at the recent awards banquet for Region i! The banquet was held as part of iCON17 in St. Louis, MO. The conference itself was great, and it was excellent to see so many great people and sections from Region i receive recognition at the banquet! Here is a summary of the awards received by individuals from RMS, and our section this year.

SWE RMS received the “increase” award, for highest membership growth. Our membership has grown by 40% this year! Here’s a photo of our Treasurer Madalene Fetsch accepting the award from Region i Governor Jenna Harpole.

​Our section also received the “intertwined” award along with the CU Boulder collegiate section, for joint program of the year. We received this award for our work together on last year’s conference, iCON16. We had a great committee of both professional and collegiate SWE members that worked together to host the conference in Boulder, and it was great to be recognized for our efforts! Here’s a photo of current CU Boulder SWE section president Katie McQuie and myself receiving the award.

​Thanks to the kind nomination from our section, I received the “intrepid” award, for a distinguished new engineer. This award is given annually to a woman who has demonstrated outstanding technical performance, as well as leadership in professional organizations (SWE) and the community, in the first 10 years of her career. The citation on my award is for “technical excellence in renewable energy modeling & resource planning and continuing commitment to SWE’s mission at all levels of the society”. I was quite surprised and honored to receive a Governor’s Choice award from Jenna as well. Here’s a photo of me receiving the award.

​Our own RMS member (and Region i Treasurer) Anna Sparks nominated her co-worker Jeffery Maxwell for the “integrity” award, for male supporter of the year. This award is given annually to a man that has increased the hiring or promotion of women engineers, has encouraged, sponsored, and/or developed professional training programs for women engineers, or has created an environment that supports women engineers’ full participation and acceptance in the engineering field. The citation on Jeffery’s award is for “increasing the number of women in the Adams County, CO Dept of Transportation and encouraging their success”. Here’s a photo of Jeffery receiving the award.

​Congratulations to our section and the individuals who received SWE Region i awards this year! And special thanks to our own RMS member Casey Waggy for taking photos!

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